
Sunday 12 August 2012

Lego Minifigure: Olympic Equestrienne

I'm hardly the most avid sports fan, but the concept of the Olympics is rather wonderful, and - seeing as how Lego have taken the trouble to make some special editions, and that my children have acquired a few of them - I wanted to paint one of them. Chosen pretty much at random, here is the equestrienne. I wonder if she's meant to be a specific rider. Does she look like any of our medal winners in the equestrian events?

Acrylic on canvas, 7 x 7 cm
For sale


  1. we have all but the tennis player, they're quite sweet aren't they? I think she must have won a medal, your painting looks very happy.

    1. I'm sure we won an equestrian gold or two. It's the sort of thing we might do as a nation.

  2. We *do* have the tennis player. But I couldn't find him. Must try tidying up the kids' room *again*...


Tell me what you think!