Friday 29 November 2013

Trig Point on Watership Down (November)

We were up on Watership Down last weekend, and this is from a photograph that I took then. The cow parsley seed heads are quite difficult to render with a knife, but they do add interest to a bleak November scene.

Oil on canvas, 9 x 12"

Thursday 28 November 2013

Mural Brush is a Painting of the Month for December

Well, look at that! My Mural Brush is one of Painters Online's Gallery Images of the Month for December. That's two months in a row, what with the sunflower being in November's selection.

I do notice a certain wintry colour theme running through the selection.

I rather like Mural Brush - in fact, I had already framed it, in a rather ad hoc manner:

Autumn Soup

The pumpkin isn't going to last much longer, so I had to paint this last night. It's always slightly chancey under artificial light, I find, but it still looks okay this morning.

30x30cm, oil on stretched natural linen canvas.

Friday 22 November 2013

Icy Day on Wokefield Common - SOLD

"Wokefield Ice"
in-progress shots
It has turned cold lately, but this is from one of last winter's photographs. The iced-over pond on Wokefield Common has been on my list of subjects for a while.

Oil on linen canvas, 30 x 40 cm
21 November 2013 - SOLD
(I put the wrong date on the canvas!)

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Squash Sketches

A pumpkin that survived Hallowe'en and a butternut squash that survived soup... three sketches in different media.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Friday 15 November 2013

Mural Brush

With able assistance from some of the school children, I have been working on the next phase of the exterior school mural.

Unfortunately, I didn't take any photographs, so you'll have to make do with this painted sketch of my favourite mural brush until I do.


Saturday 9 November 2013

News from the Twitterverse

November is #portraitnovember this year on Twitter. And then some of the artists ran out of people to make portraits of (or something like that) and started #artmypropic, which means "turn my profile picture into art".

Thursday 7 November 2013

And just in case you were wondering...

I think this might be the painting on the easel in my triple self portrait...

Triple Self Portrait at Eleven Years' Remove (Portrait of the Artist as a Younger Woman)

2002. 11 years ago.

A sketch; a curiosity.
I was working on a self portrait and I noticed that, with the curtains open after dark, I happened to have placed the mirror (hung on the easel) such that I could see my side profile refelected in the window and the mirror. The reflection was too delicate, too obscure, to capture with a camera, so I drew it.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Drawing in makeup

This is me, in the makeup that I rarely wear. I'm not wearing it in the picture. I drew the picture using the makeup. I used: eyeliner, lipstick, concealer, some of that stuff that you put all over your face as a base layer and I've forgotten what it's called, mascara, and eyeshadow. There was also a bit of cheap white facepaint.

Friday 1 November 2013