Friday 28 June 2013

Kingsclere Gallops - SOLD

There's a place near here where the footpath runs alongside a lowland gallop. It's on my way to my favourite painting pitch. Last year, I managed to coincide with the local racing stables' morning exercise, and I sneaked a few photographs.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Rabbit in front of Watership Down

Rabbit sourced from Wikipedia Commons [source photograph (c) JJ Harrison under creative commons license]. Hill sourced loosely from my own painting.

Monday 24 June 2013

Kingsclere Jigsaw

This is the village I live in. There is a certain point at which you can see the downs rising behind the church tower like a wall of green. This is that scene rendered in felt tip pen on a formerly blank jigsaw.

Felt tip, marker pen and white acrylic ink on laminated card jigsaw board, 16 x 20"

SOLD (to the lady on her way to the Post Office, in the picture)

Sunday 23 June 2013

Photo of School Fête

In a rare sunny moment at yesterday's fête, I have been caught on camera making a sale.

Tents, it has to be said, offer excellent T-shirt (and banner) hanging opportunities.

School Fête

Yesterday was the day of the local Primary School Fête. My children both go to the school in question, and I decided to take my smaller paintings (7x7cm - including the LEGO paintings - and 5x7") and assorted printed merchandise along as a stallholder.

It rained. Not all the time, but when it did rain, it did so seriously. The wind was taking itself seriously, too. Especially when we put our tent up...

Friday 21 June 2013

Thursday 20 June 2013

Big LEGO(R) Ambulance Driver

Painted for an international customer, on commission; based on number 50 of the Minifigures on Canvas series - as shown above left. Her head was too big, so I changed the painting - as seen above left.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Poppy Puzzle

Based on Stormy Poppies, this was a blank laminated card jigsaw that I applied felt tip, marker pen and just a smidge of white acrylic airbrush paint. (The latter is thinner, or runnier, if you prefer, than the sort of acrylic that comes in tubes.)

I haven't taken it apart yet, but it'll be going, in a box, to the school fair with me on Saturday. I have a stall...

500 piece jigsaw

Friday 14 June 2013

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Not the Royal Academy on BBC4

The London exhibition that will, at some stage, feature my Avebury Sheep is on right now, folks, and, what is more, the exhibition is featured in this coming Sunday's Review Show on BBC4.

BBC 4 Television on Sunday 16 June 2013 at 8.00pm
The hour-long programme will have a 10 minutes slot allocated to art which will include some filming at 3 venues and a panel discussion on the following 3 exhibitions:

  • Academy Summer Exhibition 2013
  • Not The Royal Academy 2013
  • The Hayward Gallery - Alternative guide to the Universe
All the panelists have visited Not The Royal Academy at Llewellyn Alexander individually over the last week.  They have not met up since their visits to the 3 Galleries before their panel discussion.
Follow the link to Llewellyn Alexander to see some of the work that will be on show. I didn't see mine, but they say they will be changing the shown works regularly.

Monday 10 June 2013


The photograph I was working from was too blue, so I was making mental colour corrections all the way through the painting process - I wanted it to be a warm painting. After all, no child would wear that outfit if it were cold, would they... ?

I don't think I will provide a truthful answer to that.

But it was a warm day; a day for adventures. And she does look like she's off to seek an adventure. A nice one, of course.

Oil on natural colour linen canvas, 33 x 41 cm

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Two Pink Roses

A heavily impasto'd acrylic knife painting that I started yesterday but had to stop because of the failing light. Half an hour or so this evening and the foreground rose (in particular) looks a lot happier...

Acrylic on canvas, 12 x 15cm