Tuesday 26 March 2013

LEGO Minifigures 63: Red Peasant

It's another peasant with a pitchfork! Wonder what he's up to?

Acrylic on canvas, 7 x 7 cm

Repairing a painted canvas (acrylic)

Oh, darn. 

No Parking featured on the front
of  the Bromley Book.

I put a screwdriver through a Very Important Painting, two days before the exhibition. The Very Important Painting is No Parking. The exhibition was the Bromley Arts Festival. No Parking is a key piece in the Bromley Project. (I was using the screwdriver to attach some hanging hardware. There was a knot - a stealth knot; it was not the most obvious of knots - in the wood, and my screwdriver slipped.)

But darning it wouldn't quite work.

I did a bit of research. I asked for advice in an online forum.
And this is what I did to fix the painting...

Monday 25 March 2013


I got a selection of t-shirts printed up (exceedingly small print runs - of one - at exceedingly small prices. I don't know how Vistaprint do it), and I thought you might like to see them. I have too many, so I could well be looking to sell a few...

The Bromley Arts Festival: a day in a shipping container

Yesterday was the Bromley Arts Festival. It was cold but dry, and the good people of Bromley turned up in plentiful numbers. Quite a few came to see me and my paintings in the shipping-container-turned-pop-up-art-gallery.

The Bromley Project book now available on Amazon

You can now buy my most recent book, The Bromley Project (a day in Bromley), on Amazon.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Ice cold in Bromley

Just a quick post to say "Hello!" to anybody who picked up a card or a leaflet at the Bromley Arts Festival today, and to tell all and sundry that - despite sub-zero temperatures (it was snowing, a bit) - the Arts Festival went very well, and I even managed to sell a few paintings, a couple of postcards, and one whole book*!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Primary Pair - SOLD

This isn't a "standard" minifigure painting. It's a bit bigger, for a start. Nearly 6 times bigger. And of course there are two figures. It was also painted (partly) with a knife, and I restricted myself to the CMYK + white palette that I have adopted recently for acrylic knife-work.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Bromley Book Preview

'Tis only a week until The Bromley Project hits Bromley - one day only in a shipping container in the Market Square - and, amidst all the other preparation, I only just realised that the accompanying book had no preview set up.

This has now been remedied.

LEGO Minifigures 62: Blue Knight

The Plan lurches on. The blue knight is part of it...

Acrylic on canvas, 7 x 7 cm

Saturday 16 March 2013

Some more framings

I need to do some varnishing (acrylics) and probably a bit of "oiling out" (an interim measure for the oils, involving putting a thin layer of linseed oil over the surface), but here are a few recent applications of frames to two paintings and one drawing...

Wednesday 6 March 2013

LEGO Minifigures 61: Red Knight

Another part of my plan. Knights are known for moving curiously. This fellow looks like he might take a few steps forward before sidling this way...
And watch while the queen/In one false move/Turns herself into a pawn
Acrylic on canvas, 7 x 7 cm

Monday 4 March 2013

LEGO Minifigure 60: Red Tower Guard

The red team have a tower, too... and someone to guard it!

Acrylic on canvas, 7 x 7 cm

LEGO Minifigure 59: Blue Tower Guard

The blue tower is well-guarded by this little fellow. He's part of my plan, too...

Acrylic on canvas, 7 x 7 cm

Saturday 2 March 2013

Some Framed Paintings

Now that I've taken down my Tadley Library exhibition (I sold a triptych - Green 2 Orange), I have been able to unite a couple of the paintings with frames that were ordererd for them but which got confused in the process of being delivered.

Oil Pastel Rescue Squad - part one

Before...                                           and after
A while back, I painted Lemonade, but I was never entirely happy with it; the bottle was the wrong shape and its proportions looked funny. But I had allowed the painting to dry, and spreading new oil paint over the textured areas of the painting would not, I decided, work very well.