Monday 23 February 2015

Molotow Cocktail: Snowdrops and St. Mary's

Snowdrops, 5x7" on linen board

I've been itching to paint the snowdrops all through the half-term holiday. There is a lovely show of the dainty white flowers just behind the building that my studio is in. It's cold out there, though, so I knew it would have to be a quick painting. 

I was going to do a small oil (and I may yet do so), but I have just discovered Molotow paint marker pens, and it occurred to me that I could use them...

Sketch of a Molotow marker in use

Molotow markers contain "hybrid" acrylic paint (not ink). They are also refillable and the nibs can be exchanged. They were recommended to me by another artist; I ordered a selection and they arrived at the weekend. The paint works on almost every surface and has good coverage, so I decided to try them on a natural linen-covered board. A small one.

And then, when that turned out well (the pens are great for working quickly with minimal fuss; the colours I have are limited but cover the spectrum reasonably well; mixing on the support is a little hit and miss, but the effect of the broken bright colours is pleasing), I turned my attention to the village church.

St. Mary's, 20x30cm on linen board

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