Sunday 12 May 2013

Clinker's Copse (Bluebells on a Sunday Morning)

I've been trying to capture 2013's bluebells for over a week. When the glorious weather was here, the bluebells weren't quite ready. When the bluebells were ready, the winds were too high.

But, this morning, there was a break in the weather. It was dry, ocasionally sunny and just about warm enough. I scrounged some time from the family weekend and headed off to the woods on foot.

The painting took just over two hours to complete.

Oil on canvas, 14 x 18"
FOR SALE [click here]


  1. Lovely impressionist take on a difficult subject, Amanda. Have you thought of sending it to the Facebook page of 'Bluebell Woods', as s/he has 6000 followers, and often posts paintings as well as photos, and credits them. just a thought....

  2. Thank you for the painting. I will post it on my facebook page. I also added myself to your blog. Maybe you would enjoy mine do pop over and visit sometime.


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